IdeaMapr is a simple tool to help local governments collaborate with their communities on civic decisions.
IdeaMapr Flexible Toolset
IdeaMapr was designed in close collaboration with staff from seven municipalities to create a set of engagement tools that were flexible enough to fit a wide array of public involvement projects, while also being structured enough to guide participants through the most complex civic projects. These tools had to present complex issues in visually engaging and interactive structures that educated participants as much as they informed the project teams.
Together we created the IdeaMapr Citizen Engagement Platform as a flexible set of online engagement tools that can be mixed and matched to gather feedback in many different ways, providing different interactive experiences for participants, while also having a familiar structure that guides them through the online engagement in a simple to understand way.
Case Study
1k+ Participate to Improve Sacramento
AIM Consulting and the City of Sacramento partners with IdeaMapr to help map what matter most in the 16th St Corridor
Customize Your Engagement
Mix and Match several engagement tools to get feedback on ideas
Many online engagement tools focus on a single method of gathering feedback, such as simple surveys or maps or budgeting scenarios. IdeaMapr enables you to combine as many of these elements as necessary into one cohesive online experience that is much simpler for participants to respond to and much clearer to report on.

Quantifying Qualitative Feedback
Preselected answer options tell a clear story but qualitative responses tell a much more detailed story that can be very helpful in illustrating exactly what participants would like to see come up of a project or where their concerns are. Normally the issue with qualitative feedback is that it can be difficult to scale to thousands of participants and difficult to visualize any trends in the data.
The Pro/Con tool is a way to gather detailed qualitative comments but still use the number of pros and cons to rank ideas by positivity and still quantify this qualitative data. Ranking the ideas enables you to easily view which ideas were favored and which ones had more concerns attached to them. From that point, you can look at the detailed responses to see the qualitative data and learn the rest of the story.
Summary reports help make sense of feedback by visualizing results in a simple to read format that is easily printed or copy/pasted into other docs.
IdeaMapr as a Platform for Customizations
While IdeaMapr comes standard with a flexible array of tools that will fit the majority of project needs, you can also build custom elements on the IdeaMapr platform to fit specific projects. By building on top of the existing IdeaMapr platform you can create custom tools for a fraction of the cost of creating custom tools from scratch.
Project Based Pricing
Use only what you need, pay for only what you use
IdeaMapr is designed with the flexibility necessary to fit most projects and that means a pricing structure that is also flexible enough to use on most projects. Pay for IdeaMapr on a per project basis or purchase a bundle of projects and use them as needed. Unlimited licenses are also available but with per project pricing you can pay for only what you use.